If you’re in need of wisdom teeth removal, Shellharbour Dentists can help. Being well-versed in the art of gentle and speedy tooth extractions, Shellharbour residents will really appreciate our tender and considerate approach to what is often wrongly referred to as a scary experience.
Get gentle, Speedy Wisdom Teeth Removal, Shellharbour patients Will Appreciate
So why do wisdom teeth need to be removed in the first place?
Wisdom teeth, otherwise known as third molars, are usually the last to erupt. While some people have no problems with their wisdom teeth, a good many others will. The fact is that in the modern world, our third molars aren’t really needed and because they’re located at the very back of the mouth, often, there simply isn’t enough room for them to grow.
Even for those people who have good oral health, when wisdom teeth problems arise, a dentist may recommend removal. It’s not unusual for wisdom teeth to be positioned crookedly or even sideways and will usually be spotted during a routine dental check-up. When this happens they can cause problems to adjacent teeth, so wisdom tooth extraction is the best option.